The Beauty of Breathing by Airway Circle
Welcome to "The Beauty of Breathing" podcast with Renata Nehme.
Join me on this "expansion" journey through mindful breathing, exploring ways to improve sleep, how myofunctional therapy can improve your life, the profound gut-brain connection, and so much more!
Delve into wellness, personal growth, spiritual development, and the nuances of emotional intelligence. Navigate the dual roles of being a dedicated mom and an ambitious entrepreneur. Together, we'll unravel holistic health approaches and discover the keys to finding purpose in life.
Tune in for insightful conversations on all things health-related, embracing a mindful and holistic lifestyle.
Please note that "Beauty of Breathing Podcast" is produced for entertainment, educational, and informational purposes only. The content, views, and opinions shared by our hosts and guests should not substitute medical advice and do not establish a doctor-patient relationship. As everyone is unique, consult your healthcare professional for any medical questions.
Join the conversation and explore the fascinating world of airway health with us!
Much Love,
Renata Nehme, RDH, BSDH, COM®
The Beauty of Breathing by Airway Circle
65. From Dentistry to Serial Entrepreneurship - Redefining Success with an Abundance Mindset with Elijah Desmond
What if your career didn't define you? Join us as we explore the remarkable journey of Elijah Desmond, who transformed from a dental hygienist into a thriving serial entrepreneur. Elijah's story is a testament to the power of resilience and curiosity, having launched over 20 businesses. He shares compelling insights into navigating life's challenges and redefining success beyond traditional boundaries. Discover how the Brazilian language's unique approach to the verb "to be" inspired his belief in personal identity beyond professional titles, and learn from his enriching experiences across the versatile field of dentistry. Elijah's narrative encourages us to embrace small failures as essential growth opportunities and to step courageously into diverse ventures.
This episode explores the transformative impact of an abundance mindset on business and personal life. Elijah emphasizes that true success encompasses more than just financial gains—it includes family, health, and personal fulfillment. He provides actionable advice for entrepreneurs: speak out about your goals on social platforms, invest in personal growth, and remain authentic to attract like-minded individuals. These principles, he argues, are the keys to thriving holistically. Tune in to gain inspiration from Elijah's journey and learn how to apply these empowering insights to your own life.
About our Guest:
Elijah Desmond is a serial entrepreneur, motivational speaker, and creator of innovative ventures like Smiles at Sea and The Dental Festival. With a background in dental hygiene from The Ohio State University, Elijah has shifted his focus to hosting engaging, educational events and delivering motivational concerts to students worldwide. Based in South Florida, he’s also Vice President of Beyond the Game, a non-profit supporting youth programs. Known for blending fun and education, Elijah inspires audiences globally through his dynamic events and impactful speeches.
Learn More: https://elijahdesmond.com/
Renata Nehme RDH, BSDH, COM® has been a Registered Dental Hygienist since 2010. In 2016, when she was introduced to the world of "Myofunctional Therapy" she immediately knew that was her calling, especially when she learned that it encapsulated many of her passions- breastfeeding, the import of early childhood development, and airway health.
In 2021 Renata founded Airway Circle with the intention of creating a collaborative and multidisciplinary group of like-minded health professionals who share the same passion for learning and giving in the dental health and airway space.
Myo Moves - Become a Patient: www.myo-moves.com
At Airway Circle we offer a safe and supportive space for like-minded professionals to connect, collaborate and share information regarding airway-related issues and whole-body health.
Become a Member Today and have immediate access to hundreds of lectures with world-renowned professionals. ...
Welcome everybody to the Beauty of Breathing podcast. I have a very special guest with us today, my good friend Elijah Desmond. Thank you so much for being with me today.
Speaker 2:I'm happy to be here. Thanks for having me.
Speaker 1:Before we start, I want you to introduce yourself, tell people who you are, what you do.
Speaker 2:Wow, all right. So my name is Elijah Desmond and I am a proud father of two and husband of one. I'm a dental hygienist, I'm a serial entrepreneur and I'm not afraid to lose. So I've created a whole lot of things and celebrity dental DJ, traveled the world DJing and now back into speaking and love kids, saving kids' lives and, yeah, I just love being my authentic self. Thanks for having me.
Speaker 1:I mean seriously. What do you not do, is the question, and that's exactly what I want to talk about today. In Brazil, the verb to be has actually two different words. Here you say I am In Brazil. There's two different words that mean different things within the same verb to be. So, follow me, I can say I am hungry and I can say I am Renata, and they mean two different things, right, because one of them really defines me and the other one says what I am right now. For example, I used to say I am a dental hygienist, but I can say I am a mother, I am a child of God.
Speaker 1:However, how do we go through life without making what we do define us? In dentistry, especially dentists, they give up so much of their lives for their dream to become a dentist, and I noticed that they have such a hard time getting away from that because they've invested so much, and you are the one person who does so many different things. You're always finding something to challenge yourself, and I truly believe that that's how you grow as a person, that's how you grow as a human, that's how you serve more people and that's how it makes you more prosperous, and you can only overflow into other people's lives if you are prosperous in that way. So what message do you have for business owners out there to not let whatever they're doing right now define who they are? And how do you give them advice to not be afraid to go out out of their career to to do something else? If they, you know, if dentistry is not in their heart anymore, how do they get out of there? How do they?
Speaker 2:expand, absolutely. So first off, I'm going to tell you we're in the best profession ever. I I believe that dentistry is by far the best industry to be in. I also want to tell you that if you are a dentist or you are a hygienist or whatever you are, you have the ability to do whatever you want in our industry because you have those credentials, you have the experience, and so now all you have to do is take what you know and apply it other ways.
Speaker 2:So I have started over 20 businesses and I've helped people start hundreds of things in dentistry. And what is a thing? Being speakers, being consultants, being authors, giving them the stage and making them an influencer, helping people monetize what they already know. So I guess you know I started this group, trapped in an Op about eight years ago because I felt trapped in a clinical operatory and I was not in there long, even though I still hold an active license in Hawaii. I was not in long. When I say I wasn't in long, I worked for somebody for 10 months and then I started a business, a staffing agency.
Speaker 2:It was my first business in which I successfully sold. A lot of the businesses don't end up like successes, by the way. I failed on about seven businesses miserably. But I started a business right away because I couldn't stay working clinically forever. I just was busting at the seams Like, if you can imagine, you know me well Can you imagine me staying in one room all day long? How about jumping to three different rooms? Can you imagine that?
Speaker 1:No, oh my goodness. And it's crazy because, as a hygienist, we know how much time and how difficult it is for us to go through that process in 10 months only and you said I can't do this, that process in 10 months only, and you said I can't.
Speaker 2:Yeah, I was, yeah, I was done, I couldn't, I couldn't do it. You know, I believe that rules are made to be broken. I don't like to follow rules. I am not hireable. Now there's some people who are still doing the same thing and they're their own boss. But I just want to tell you that there's so many other things outside those four walls and you have the ability to do everything, and it's scary at first. I mean, a long time ago, I was nervous knocking on doors and handing out business cards. I'm zero nervous now.
Speaker 1:Because, we have nothing to lose, right? One of my mentors says you mentioned failure. One of my mentors says there's no such thing as failure. You either win or you learn.
Speaker 2:Yes, absolutely, and I believe that the failures are what you learn the most from. I believe in little failures. I don't believe in big failures. I can pick up all of those failures, put them together, and now I'm so far along. I, at one point before the pandemic, I literally had 14 different income streams LLCs.
Speaker 2:Incredible I have two Wow Now and I wrote the book. It was made bestseller called Serial Entrepreneur from Startup to Success. I did it in 2018. At the time, I think I had 11 or 12 businesses. Now, if I were to write another book, it would be called how Not to Be a Serial Entrepreneur. I think it's okay to do multiple things, but if I were to tell my younger self what to do different, it would be just do less. So it's okay to do two or three things, but doing so many things is crazy. But the thing that saved me was that I was doing so many things Because when I had this thing called the pandemic happen, I have multiple income streams coming in. Guess what? Half of them got knocked all the way out, including my biggest income stream, which was smiles at sea. But because I had multiple forms of income, I was able to survive it and now I can tell people about it and be vulnerable and authentic and share with people so they can spend time.
Speaker 1:That is incredible, One of the things that I have learned going through this, because I have zero business training and all of a sudden, you know, this thing fell in my lap. I was a dental hygienist for about 10 years and then I started myofunctional therapy, which was a calling. I feel so blessed to be able to help people breathe better and sleep better and feel better. And then we started Airway Circle out of the blue because I needed to have the connection with other professionals. We can't do what we do by ourselves.
Speaker 1:Going into that, I'm gonna ask you what can you give as advice in terms of networking, Because I don't believe that I would be where I am today if it wasn't for the networking potential and the networking events that I have attended. You were one of the first ones that reached out to me and helped me so much in the beginning, when I had no idea what I was doing. I'm still learning every day, but what do you give as advice for those early young entrepreneurs who want to start something else on the side? How important is to be able to sit on the right table.
Speaker 2:Yes, absolutely. You have to be in the room. So you have to show up. Number one there's a lot of people out there that say I don't have time, I'm doing this and that and they want change, they want growth, but you don't show up. So, number one, show up. And show up where dental professionals are. That are where you want to be. Show up and meet the people, these people that have did major things, big things. They're still human. They will talk to you, they're happy to talk to you, but you have to be in the same room with them. And, ultimately, when you're in the same room, you end up getting invited to the right table and I remember introducing you to Glenn.
Speaker 1:Yes, that's why I'm here, Because and I remember introducing you to Glenn yes, that's why I'm here, because of Elijah Dr Glenn Bo invited me to come out last year and again this year to the Dental Podfest and it's been absolutely incredible.
Speaker 1:And here we are recording a live my first live podcast in the Dental Podfest. So if you are in the dental field and you're not here, you're missing out that room out there. If you are in the dental field and you're not here, you're missing out that room out there. It is filled with opportunities for you to grow, for you to get out of your shell, for you to improve your business. And they're talking about marketing right now, and I'm so sad that I'm missing, because marketing is one of my biggest dreams and you have the queen of AI walking right by us right here. There's so many changes and you have to keep up 100% investing. This is not money that you're spending. Investing into being in the same room is so freaking important. And one extremely important thing about networking networking is not about where you're going to get from the table.
Speaker 2:Yeah, oh, my goodness. So let me speak on that. I'm going to tell you that 2015, 2014, when I was coming out as an entrepreneur, I would give to people, I would network with people, thinking I was going to get something back in return. My heart got broke so many times, it's not even funny. So I started giving purely. And when I gave purely, that means that I'm giving and I'm helping and I'm serving. I don't need nothing back.
Speaker 2:And what's insane is, 10 years later now, all of those people that I've built relationships that I didn't even ask anything for. I created one thing, and it was dental pitch brokerage. Now I'm selling businesses primarily dental practices, but regular businesses in the dental industry as well. But, what's crazy, I didn't realize at the time what I was building and the relationships that I was creating was going to be for something way bigger. And so now I'm literally helping people make many millions and tens of millions of dollars, and I had no idea what that journey, all that giving, was going to do. Now I can continue to give and serve people and help them to sell their dental practice, to sell their business, and that all came from giving purely, and I'm still giving.
Speaker 2:I'm giving them the retirement of their dreams, essentially, their exit of their dreams.
Speaker 1:If there's something that I have learned from you and Glenn, is that if you want to prosper in life, serve. The more people you serve, the more prosperous you're going to be, because it's the main reason why we are here we are called to serve. With whatever we have been, all the experiences that we have been throughout our lives, I do believe that God allows us to learn from those so we can go out and rescue other people and help other people. You know, it's not about us, it's about Him. So you guys have been the most given, the most kind people I have ever met. There are so many people in the field that they learn something and they immediately feel I can't share this, I can't share this. I found a gold mine. I can't share this, it's only mine. What happens when you hold on to things?
Speaker 2:Yes, absolutely. I mean, when you hold on things, I mean you don't get the joy of sharing with other people. Number one what you just explained is a scarcity mindset. I have an abundance mindset, so there's so many people out there that have had businesses or did things like me and what I do is I embrace those people. They're a little scared and they're going and they won't share.
Speaker 2:I've always shared. I've given the blueprint because there's so much to go around. An abundance mindset is everything. One plus one to me doesn't equal two, it's 11. And I don't think one minus one equals zero. And ultimately, I believe in the power of alignment, the power of joining together. I believe iron sharpens iron. I'll tell you that, at the end of the day, there are majority of people that have a scarcity mindset. I have the polar opposite and I'm never going to change.
Speaker 1:And listen to that. So, for, for those people that are out there, they're barely starting a business and they're looking at Elijah and they're looking at Dr Glenn and they're saying there's no way I could have a make millions, there's no way I could ever get out of what I'm doing and and and be so prosperous in so many levels and I'm not talking about financially only, but having a successful, strong family. I mean, whenever I see you with your daughters and your wife, my goodness, how many people want to have you know, family is the base for everything, uh but, but different businesses and spiritual growth and all of that. How do you, um guide people into saying is this for everybody? Where you're living right now, elijah, you were a hygienist for 10 months. Can anybody else achieve this?
Speaker 2:Can they achieve it? Yes, do you want to achieve it? I don't know. My level of my version of success, by the way, is defined not by money, by family and by health as well as financial, and some people are way more heavily weighted in the family, or some are in the financial, some are in the health. It's hard to find a balance, and that balance is not always 50-50.
Speaker 2:There's different seasons for everything, and really for me it's not. Can anybody do what I'm doing? I think it's more like can you do what you dream of doing?
Speaker 2:And I think the answer to that is yes. I know the answer to that is yes, but you have to make a change. Most people are not happy. They're not happy with their body, they're not happy with their money, they're not happy with their family. But you do have the ability to be, but you have to take the first step to doing it, and I'm not afraid to take those steps.
Speaker 1:Incredible. All right Give everybody as we close today. This has been an incredible talk and you guys are going to listen more on Beauty of Breathing, a little bit more of business growth and personal growth and family you know, raising families instead of just airway stuff Because I want to add everything that Renata is into this and I can keep sharing everything that I'm learning throughout my life, because I know that all of this can serve other people. So, as we close this, can you give all these entrepreneurs out there three main tips. What can they do today? Simple steps to get to their next level. Of course, very important that if you are here, you're never going to be able. If you're on the first step for those who are listening you cannot all of a sudden jump to step number 10. You have to go one at a time so you can get there. But what are three main tips that you can give people that they can go ahead and start doing today to grow in all aspects of their lives?
Speaker 2:Absolutely. Tip number one close mouths, don't get fed. So you have free resources such as Facebook, instagram, youtube. Be active so you can have a dream, you can have an inspiration, but if you keep it to yourself, you're ultimately harming yourself. So close mouths, don't get fed. Open your mouth, type on your keyboard, get on podcasts, show up to events, but close mouth, don't get fed. You have to tell people what you have and when you exist, and there's three platforms for that.
Speaker 2:That's number one. Number two invest in yourself. You have to invest in yourself. I told everybody in the room on stage I am 371 years wise, why I am not afraid to pay for a shortcut. I bend time with money. I am not afraid to pay for a shortcut.
Speaker 1:I bend time. With money, I bend time.
Speaker 2:And this is since the beginning of time when I didn't have money. I put that on a credit card.
Speaker 2:I knew eventually I was going to go get the bag, go get the money and then I would pay it back. But ultimately you have to invest and stop being afraid of investing in your future. Bend time. That's how I'm 371 years old. That's tip number two. Tip number three is be your authentic self. Be your authentic self. You don't have to fake it for anybody. Your people are going to find you. Your tribe is going to find you. You're going to be doing what you absolutely love, right, and you're going to be ultimately not working anymore because you're doing what you love. You're being true to yourself. Your authentic self and your people are going to find you.
Speaker 1:That has been an incredible talk. Thank you guys so much for listening. Thank you, elijah, for being here, and I know that we're going to keep serving people and meeting each other in all these events that we go to. Let's keep doing it, brother.
Speaker 2:All right, let's do it. Thank you, bye.
Speaker 1:Bye-bye.